Animal Allegories

Transformative Tales for Troubling Times

Animal Allegories logo with bird illustration

About Us

Collaborating as Animal Allegories, Zoë Sadokierski and Ceridwen Dovey craft stories that are experimental, visually surprising and a little strange. These tales of animal entanglements will make you think and feel anew about the world around us. As our species adapts to frightening new ecological realities, and as we fight to keep the future liveable for all creatures, the power of imagination plays a critical, if underappreciated, role.

We know stories can't save the world. But they can provide moments of respite, transporting us into an imaginative realm where new possibilities shimmer briefly into view.

We are working on storytelling projects with a range of Australian museums. This site hosts our more off-kilter storytelling experiments, which lean more towards fable than fact.

Ceridwen Dovey
Ceridwen Dovey is a Sydney-based writer of fiction and creative non-fiction, and a filmmaker. She writes essays for several publications, including, WIRED, and the Smithsonian Magazine, and loves to collaborate with other artists.
Zoë Sadokierski
Zoë Sadokierski is a Sydney-based designer, writer, creative producer and Associate Professor at the UTS School of Design. Her artist's books and works on paper have been exhibited and collected internationally. Her favourite animal is the weedy seadragon.


In which a platypus and a naturalist discuss colonial collection practices

Curious Encounter

In which a human drummer encounters a drumming cockatoo

Lungfish Classifieds

In which expatriate lungfish write to lonely hearts columns

Octopus Within

In which an octopus is discovered to lurk within all of us